Unicom Grafix


Corporate Identity

Where the rubber meets the road! Your Corporate Identity is arguably the most important aspect of your business. It is the "face" of your business and tells customers who you are and also what you do. Your Corporate Identity needs to make an impression with prospective customers and it needs to do it fast.

With 55 years experience in print and design, our team can create a complete Corporate Identity for your business. Starting with Logo Design, and moving on through Business Cards, Letterhead, Envelopes, Brochures, Presentation Folders and all other marketing materials your business needs Unicom Grafix can provide you with your complete day-to-day operating materials.

These are a huge part of how you are represented to your customer, and since the day Unicom Grafix was founded we’ve been working hard to give businesses the resources they need to improve their brand. Let us create an entire, seamless Corporate Identity that strengthens your position in the marketplace and helps to attract many more customers.

As a full-service design and print facility, Unicom Grafix offers a complete range of services. To put it simply, we create outstanding design and print at very reasonable prices. Let us show you how we can help you better promote your business.